Nerdy Necklace Choices and a Nerdy Book List

 The weekend of January 24th, I was in Chicago for a meeting of nerdy, geeky, and artistic minds at an invitation only event called ORDcamp held at the Google offices. It was great fun and I met some fantastic folks doing incredible things!
I threw several necklaces in my bag for the trip and when Saturday came, the two above were the narrow downed choices
 You’re a nerd when these are your necklace choices for the day. 🙂
The stamped necklace comes from Kathy Branson at Cowdog Strong.
The image of Cassini and other space themed jewelry comes from Susanna Speier at her Etsy, MarsBling
Apologies for misspellings on the board.
Has anyone else notice that with typing all the time and presenting in Powerpoint rather than using chalk or white boards, that your handwriting is deteriorating? I know mine is!
Here is our list of books this particular group enjoyed with no commentary:
I’ve added a few of these to my to-read or to-listen lists! Hope you find something here to enjoy, too!