The first in series of four videos describing the science of Botox to the layperson. This video focuses on the organism that causes botulism, Clostridium botulinum.
15 years ago Beauty, Health, Science • Tags: beauty, botox, botulinum toxin, botulism, clostridium botulinum, cosmetic, flaccid paralysis, Joanne Manaster, medical, nervous system, STEM, synapse, video
The Science of Botox
Science of Botox 1: Clostridium (Above)
The first in series of four videos describing the science of Botox to the layperson. This video focuses on the organism that causes botulism, Clostridium botulinum.
15 years ago Beauty, Health, Science • Tags: beauty, botox, botulinum toxin, botulism, clostridium botulinum, cosmetic, flaccid paralysis, Joanne Manaster, medical, nervous system, STEM, synapse, video