The Science of Cats in Sinks
The people who brought us “Kitten Wars” also have a side project called “Cats in Sinks“. As curious as ever, Joanne wonders how many cats can fit in her large lab sink and how one might figure this out without allowing a melee amongst confused cats breaking out and disrupting the lab!
If you like Joanne Loves Science, you can thank Alan Alda
If you have the time, watch Alan Alda (of MASH fame) talk about his role on Scientific American Frontiers, a science TV show that ran from 1993-2007. (BTW, the audiobook version of Never Have Your Dog Stuffed: And Other Things I’ve Learned is entertaining!)
In a way, we have Alan to thank for the inception of my website/blog ‘Joanne Loves Science’ and my foray into social media.
My “Dream Job”
Several years ago, as I was standing in front of a section of my “Cell Culture and Concepts of Tissue Engineering” lab class at the University of Illinois, I introduced a video segment from Scientific American Frontiers with Alan Alda. In this program, Mr. Alda traveled to numerous laboratories across the world to inquire about their research, bringing the audience along with him. He figured if the scientists could make their research understandable to him, then the general public would understand it, too!
To my surprise, the sentence “He’s doing my dream job!” tumbled out of my mouth.
Wait a minute!
10 years ago Science, Social Media, STEM, Video • Tags: Alan Alda, Blood Cell Bakery, Cats in Sinks, cell biology, gummy bears, Joanne Loves Science, Joanne Manaster, Maia Weinstock, science, Scientific American Frontiers, social media, TV, video