The National Science Teachers Association and Joanne Manaster (STEM advocate, and Scientific American blogger) proudly Present the 2014 NSTA STEM Forum and Expo Keynote Speaker Ainissa Ramirez in a Google Hangout on Air.
Ainissa Ramirez, materials scientists, STEM advocate and author joined me for an enjoyable Google Hangout on Air to talk about inspiring kids for STEM and how science teachers can help!
NSTA Hangout with Ainissa Ramirez
The National Science Teachers Association and Joanne Manaster (STEM advocate, and Scientific American blogger) proudly Present the 2014 NSTA STEM Forum and Expo Keynote Speaker Ainissa Ramirez in a Google Hangout on Air.
Ainissa Ramirez, materials scientists, STEM advocate and author joined me for an enjoyable Google Hangout on Air to talk about inspiring kids for STEM and how science teachers can help!
Ainissa has written two books: Save Our Science: How to Inspire a New Generation of Scientists (Kindle Single) (TED Books Book 29)
and Newton’s Football: The Science Behind America’s Game
11 years ago Engineering, Science, STEM, Video, Women in STEM • Tags: Ainissa Ramirez, Engineering, Google Hangout on Air, Joanne Manaster, Material Marvels, material science, Newton's Football, NSTA, science, Science Xplained, video, Women in STEM