The Sloths are Coming! Behind the Scenes of a New Program on Animal Planet
This article was originally posted at my Scientific American blog.
This is the time of year many of us instinctively turn toward heart-warming movies and TV shows. If you are one of those people, I have the perfect nature show for you. Airing December 17th at 8pm on Animal Planet, it is a sweet, warm, and humorous story about an unusual place: the Avarios Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica. Watch the most adorable screener, ever. In case you didn’t think cute could get cuter, I present exhibit A!
Not too long ago, I featured Lucy Cooke and her viral sloth videos in a post here at Psi Vid, Elements of a Viral Video–Cute Animals
Read Science! Episode 7 : Wild Baby Animals Edition
In this episode, we talk to wildlife photographer Suzi Eszterhas about combining science and art in her series of books with stories and images about the life of animal families on the African Savanna, as well as her keen interest in conservation and lending her support to small conservation groups doing big jobs around the world.
12 years ago More Science, Read Science!, Video • Tags: brown bear, cheetah, children's books, Eye on the Wild series, gorilla, Jeff Shaumeyer, Joanne Manaster, lion, nature, orangutan, photography, Read Science!, sea otter, Suzi Eszterhas, video, wild animals